Condition that you must have a domain and hosting first. For the domain, you can use a free domain from or if you want domain .com / .net / .org you can purchase a domain in In addition to the domain you should also have hosting. You can use the free hosting or 000webhost can also buy inexpensive hosting in
That is our first step should be setting the domain and hosting us. For those who do not know please READ this tutorial. The next step that we find or download the wordpress template that is in the market, and of course looking for that. Try your search through google using keyword eg "Free Template wordpress" or "Free WordPress Themes" etc.. Usually the results will be a download file "zip" or "rar". First extract the file into the folder so that there are some.
The next step is to login to your hosting CPANEL. and then select "File Manager". Then go to the folder "public_html -> ... wp-content \ themes \". Upload files that have been in ekstract earlier to the folder. Then open the address "" for the administrator to login to wordpress (Do not forget to change the name as your domain). Then go to menu "Design -> Themes". then there you will find templates that you have uploaded before. To enable them to stay clicked on your template like then clicked "Activate". then open your wordpress blog