1. Trial Objectives

1. Recognize the configuration on UTP cable RJ-45 connectors
2. Recognize various UTP cabling

2. Basic theory

Computer network is a collection of two or more computers that are interconnected to one another. Productivity and efficiency is a form of which we can benefit from the network computer. For instance with the computer network allows the printer together, allows pengkopian files between the PC and so on.

So that multiple computers connected to each other, the necessary device that connects 2 or more computers. The device the device is as follows:

1. PC (Personal Computer)

2. Network Interface Card (NIC)

3. Media (Non Cable and cable or waireless)

4. Konsentrator (Hub / Switch)

Network Interface Card (NIC)

It is a card in the computer that allows you to connect with other computers.

In the motherboard slot machines usually have (the card stick) called expansion slots. Slot is also used to drive VGA Card to connect between the CPU and monitor. And one of the slots that can be used to drive in NIC Card, so that we can connect the computer with the network.

Sometimes the NIC Cards are now included in the facilities we Motherboard (onboard), so that we do not need to install hard-hard.

There are 3 types of the ISA, PCI and PCMCIA. ISA slotnya long form, it is not used anymore. PCI ISA's shorter, but even more support in the speed I / O faster. For Laptop PCMCIA Card is known, similar to a credit card a bit thick.

cross cable
Normal is used to directly connect 2 computers (Peer To Peer. With the cut as in the picture.

Used to connect 2 computer or more with the connection hub / switch.form is can be seen in the picture.

Used for network management tools using the computer.

Similar to cable television, first widely used, but now rarely used.

Fiber Optics
These cable, but supports data transfer rates are good.

In selecting the type of cable is adjusted to the NIC and the form of a network that will shape us. For UTP, known by the name of the plug RJ45.

3. Tools and Materials

1. UTP cable @ 50 cm 2 pieces.

2. RJ45 connector 8 units.

3. Cramping tool

4. Tester

4. Experiment Results

I run the experiment with the method baik.Cabling straight berhasil.untuk crossover method has not been running for less time for practice. but the method for sorting a crossover cable rollover and I already understand that both sorting metoe at the end of the tip A or B.

5. Analysis & Discussion

UTP cable consists of 8 colors cable that is green and white, green, brown, white chocolate, orange, white orange, blue, white blue.

6. Conclusion

UTP cabling must be 100% correct to ensure the Internet connection available, the order must be correct cable, what's up with the method used is an important sequence of the cord properly. also affect the data sent later.